On the Trail of the Great Canadian Meteorites
Lac Dodon
This heavily weathered iron was found on a rural property in Quebec in 1993.
721 gms

This L6 chondrite was ploughed up in 1965 or 1966 in Saskatchewan and spent some time on a stone pile, before being recognized as a rock from space in 1968.

Red Deer Hill
This L6 chondrite was found in Saskatchewan in 1975. Two pieces were found less than a kilometer apart.
This meteorite is very similar to the Blaine Lake meteorite which was found about 80 km away in 1974, raising the possibility that they are from the same fall.


404 gms

2.048 kg
Yet another space rock found in a farmer’s field in Saskatchewan during ploughing in 1968. Weight was 3.48 kg.
This chondrite fell onto a Kitchener, Ontario golf course in 1998 !

Tucked in the back of the cabinet was this small sample of Riverton, found in 1960 near Lake Winnipeg, Manitoba.
Other NMC specimens include Tagish Lake, Shelburne and Manitouwabing.

Photos by Dave Kenny. Used with kind permission of the Canadian Museum of Nature.