On the Trail of the Great Canadian Meteorites
The National Meteorite Collection has a number of other unique space rock specimens.

How often do you get to see a real piece of Vulcan ?
This meteorite was found in a farmer’s field near the Town of Vulcan, Alberta in 1962.
This was a few years before Star Trek made the Vulcan name famous !
Visit the Vulcan tourism website for more space related fun !

Although all meteorites are pretty “Skookum” (strong, powerful), this 16 kg iron meteorite was found during gold mining in the Yukon territories in 1905. It is one of only two meteorites found in the Yukon. It was exhibited in Seattle in 1909. It was previously known as Klondike - Skookum Gulch.

4.34 kg - this one looks like a grizzly took a bite out of it !
This was found on a farm near Skiff, Alberta in 1966.

It is classed as an olivine-bronzite chondrite meteorite.
1424 gms

Photos by Dave Kenny. Used with kind permission of the Canadian Museum of Nature.